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Category: Business Continuity

All the latest Hosting News from Netcetera

Backup Your Data With N360 Continuous

Few things are more important to a business than its data. Without any kind of Backup or Disaster Recovery solution in place you potentially risk losing all of your business’ data. Netcetera’s new Continuous Backup Solution is a server software application that enables disk-based data protection and disaster recovery for servers and workstations running Microsoft…
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Take Your FREE 60 Second Disaster Recovery Review Today!

Disaster Recovery is an essential part of all businesses. It provides critical protection to your data in case of any disaster that may occur. Therefore DR needs to be implemented correctly to give reliability and security to your business’ future. Simple, Reliable And Affordable Disaster Recovery Protect and archive your data in our secure, state-of-the-art…
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The Complete Business Continuity Plan – Step 5: Location

Over the last few weeks we have looked at all the key ingredients needed to put together a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan. In our previous blog we looked at how the new European Data Protection Legislation may affect how you make your plan and choose your Disaster Recovery Partner to work with. In our final…
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The Complete Business Continuity Plan – Step 4: GDPR and DR

In our last informative blog we touched upon the importance of Backups and Testing and how critical this is to the success of any Disaster Recovery Plan. In this final blog we will look at the importance of protecting your data in preparation for compliance with the new European Union Data Protection Directive that is…
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The Complete Business Continuity Plan – Step 3: Backups

In our last blog we started to conduct a business impact analysis on some of the key areas that are essential to any Disaster Recovery Plan and the importance of putting a planB in place to protect your business in the event of an unplanned event effecting either your IT systems or preventing you from accessing…
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The Complete Business Continuity Plan, Step 2: Identify Need

In our previous blog we touched upon the importance of having a robust business continuity plan in place, regardless of how big or small your business may be. In this blog we will start to go through the essentials: what you need to look at to ensure your DR plan will protect your business. With…
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The Complete Business Continuity Plan – Step 1: Introduction

No business is immune to disaster! Over the last few months there have been countless businesses affected by disastrous situations all over the UK. From Wannacry Cyber attacks, terror threats, fires and data loss to everyday occurrences like utility outages and leaky pipes. With all this in mind we ask the question, when was the…
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It’s Never Too Late To Make Your planB

Have you ever wished you had a planB? Imagine if you couldn’t continue to run your business efficiently due to an unplanned event? Many people still say, “It will never happen,” but in reality it happens on a regular basis with several well documented emergency situations occurring within the UK on a daily basis. Gas leaks,…
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Get Total Data Protection with Netcetera360

Does your business have all the protection it needs? If the power in your office fails tonight, and all of your computers crash, how quickly can you recover? And more importantly, at what cost? According to the London Chamber of Commerce, 80% of businesses without a well structured recovery plan are forced to shut within…
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Your Hassle Free Disaster Recovery Starts Here Today

Netcetera, the Isle Of Man’s premier Datacentre is pleased to introduce a new dimension in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery for businesses of all sizes, bringing new levels of service and cost savings without compromise. Netcetera’s new onsite Business Recovery Centre, planB brings a whole new meaning to the management of Disaster Recovery regardless of…
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